Welcome to School Union 93! Serving the towns of Blue Hill, Brooksville, Castine, Penobscot, and Surry.
Upcoming School Board Meetings
Minutes of Previous Meetings
School Policies
Current Job Opportunities
Substitute Information
School Budgets
Child Nutrition Information
Sunrise, November 2, 2023.
"Reading Strategies for Grades K-3" was the topic of our recent Parent Information Night held virtually on June 8th. Literacy expert Darlene Bassett hosted the presentation for parents of students reading at the K-3 level about best practices they can use at home to support their child's early literacy skills. If you would like more information, please contact a Title 1/Interventionist teacher at your child's school or Curriculum Coordinator Dawn McLaughlin.
Check out the presentation in the video below!
Return to School Plan
School Union 93
Brooksville Elementary School
Blue Hill Consolidated School
Adams School
Penobscot Community School
Surry Elementary School
The Maine CDC’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Responding to a Positive Case in Schools expired on June 30, 2022. In its place, Maine schools will follow pre-existing communicable disease protocols.
This document summarizes the updated (08/11/2022) US CDC Operational Guidance for K-12 Schools and provides an overview of how the schools in Union 93 will respond to COVID 19.
Symptomatic at School
● Students and staff will be expected to wear a mask when visiting the school nurses’ offices.
● People who have symptoms of respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, such as cough, fever, sore throat, vomiting, or diarrhea, should stay home.
○ Testing is recommended for people with symptoms of COVID-19 as soon as possible after symptoms begin.
Isolation Guidelines for a Positive Test Result
When a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, they must self-isolate at home, regardless of vaccination status.
● Individuals who test positive should go home and isolate themselves. ● School nurses will provide guidance on isolation.
○ In general, an individual who tests positive must isolate for days 1
through 5, then may return to school masked for days 6 - 10 if there were no symptoms or the individual is fever-free for 24 hours (with no fever
reducing medication) and symptoms are improving.
Management of Cases and Exposures
● Schools will not conduct contact tracing, but schools will notify a classroom/homeroom if a positive case is identified within that classroom.
● If exposed, masking for 10 days will be recommended but not required. ● Quarantine is no longer recommended for individuals who are exposed at school.
COVID-19 Vaccination
CDC recommends COVID-19 primary series vaccines for everyone ages 6 months and older,
and COVID-19 boosters for everyone ages 5 years and older, if eligible.
● Testing will be offered at school for symptomatic individuals.
● Testing will not be required in order for a person to return to school.
Core Infectious Disease Prevention Strategies
Staying Up to Date on Vaccinations: Covid-19 vaccines are effective at preventing severe disease, hospitalization, and death. Vaccination is a public health prevention strategy that helps keep students and staff in school, and we encourage all eligible individuals to get vaccinated.
Staying Home When Sick: People with symptoms of respiratory or gastrointestinal disease should not be at school.
Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette: Proper handwashing lowers the risk of spreading viruses.
Cleaning and Disinfection: Surfaces will be cleaned to reduce the risk of germs spread by touching surfaces.
● Individuals who visit the school nurse’s office or return from isolation on days 6-10 are required to wear a mask. Otherwise, masking is optional.
● Mandatory masking may be considered as a prevention strategy if a school experiences a COVID outbreak or there is a high COVID-19 Community Level.
Information About Sports and Co-Curricular Activities!
Talk to your school's Athletic Director for more information about sports, coaching, and more!
Blue Hill Consolidated School
Athletic Director: Chris Talbot
Email: ctalbot@bhcs.org
Brooksville Elementary School
Athletic Director: Travis Chapman
Email: tchapman@schoolunion93.org
Adams School-Castine
Athletic Director: Lisa Read
Email: fcole@castineschools.org
Penobscot Community School
Athletic Director: Travis Chapman
Email: tchapman@schoolunion93.org
Surry Elementary School
Athletic Director: Andrea Archer
Email: aarcher@surryschool.org
**Please note, all coaching stipends are paid out at the end of the sports season. Co-curricular stipends are paid out at the end of the school year. Please contact Michelle with any coaching application and contract questions. **
Union 93 Title 1 /RtI Presentation
PowerPoint Presentation from June 15, 2022
(Click on the image below to see the full presentation in PDF format.)

The June 15th Meeting was held over Zoom and the video can be seen below:
For More Information Contact Curriculum Coordinator Dawn McLaughlin
at 207-374-9927 or by email: dmclaughlin@schoolunion93.org
The FY24 ESEA application is open for public comment until June 30, 2023. Funding from Title I, II, IVA, and V must be applied for yearly, and we are requesting public input on the projects and expenditures for those funds.
Please contact dmclaughlin@schoolunion93.org or (207) 374-9927 in order to add any comments, suggestions, and concerns.
Each school committee approved the ARP/ESSER 3 Expenditure plan. They are listed below with a direct link to the school's specific Expenditure Plan.