Info for Substitutes
Interested in becoming a Substitute at Union 93 Schools?
We would love to have you! Here is the process:
1.) Complete the Application for Substitute Teaching Positions.
2.) If you have a preferred school or schools, please indicate that on your application.
3.) Complete the Maine DOE CHRC (fingerprinting) Form.
4.) Once we receive your fingerprinting and background check, then you can substitute in our schools. The Application and other forms are listed below for your convenience.
***Please note, to work in U93 Schools, the Maine DOE requires fingerprinting (CHRC) and a background check. This applies to staff, substitutes, coaches, bus drivers, and anyone else who works in our schools. Without the CHRC and background check completed, we cannot move forward with the hiring process, scheduling, or process payroll. The safety of our students and staff is of utmost importance. Thank you.***
Application for Substitute Teaching Position
How to Apply for CHRC (Fingerprinting) with Maine DOE
CHRC Application for Maine DOE
If you have questions about the application or other forms, please contact Susan Duddy at the Central Office.
Phone: 207-374-9927